Carolyn Cavendish

210 Flintlock Rd., Charleston, WV 25314
304-344-3835 cell–304-419-3835

Carolyn Cavendish was born in Clarksburg, WV. She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where she received a degree in fashion illustration. She was an illustrator for Stone & Thomas Department Store for 18 years, first in Wheeling and later in Charleston, and was Stone’s advertising manager om Clarksburg. She has done free-lance illustration for department stores in Ohio and West Virginia. She also illustrated the first Italian Heritage Cookbook for the Italian Festival in Clarksburg.

After her career as an illustrator, she turned to fine art. For more than 20 years, she has produced an extensive body of work, primarily in water color, collage and mixed media. Carolyn has sharpened her craft in workshops throughout the southeast. “The excitement for me is the ongoing learning experience, discovering new ideas, new techniques, and sharing discovery with other artists. She has exhibited work in numerous juried and open exhibits in West Virginia.

Her landscapes are inspired by the beauty she finds in West Virginia, while her still-life work is inspired by cherished objects collected from family and friends. “The feeling of creating something on a blank piece of paper, whatever the subject, is what I love. It makes me feel special; it’s what I do. And when one of my paintings connects with someone, there’s nothing better!” she says.

Carolyn is an active member of Allied Artists of WV and the National League of American Pen Women, and is a signature member of the WV Watercolor Society. She is a juried exhibitor at Tamarack. A Master Naturalist, she is active in the environmental community in Canaan Valley, WV.